A Brief Guide to Adjournment in Contemplation of Dismissal, also known as ACD
A Brief Guide to Adjournment in Contemplation of Dismissal, also known as ACD
If you are facing low level criminal charges in the State of New York, then you might be offered what is known as an Adjournment in Contemplation of Dismissal (ACD). As the process of being arrested and accused of a crime can be confusing, you should always consult with your criminal defense attorney to learn about your options and how each option can impact your life.
When a criminal court case ends in an ACD, the judge will adjourn the case for a period of time, usually from six months to a year. After this time period has passed, the case will be dismissed and sealed as long as the defendant has avoided any additional legal trouble, such as an arrest. It is important to realize that an ACD is not the same thing as a conviction. In fact, an ACD is not an admission of guilt.
Instead, an ACD means that once the six months to a year time period is completed, the accused is returned to the status he or she had prior to the arrest, so long as the terms and conditions are followed properly. Keep in mind that with an ACD, the court can require certain conditions, such as community service or a diversion program that must be completed before the case is dismissed.
While an ACD is often a great outcome for a criminal matter, there are certain scenarios where such a disposition can have a negative impact for some people’s future, such as that of individuals in the banking industry, and those with immigration issues.
As with all criminal matters, speaking directly with an experienced attorney can make a difficult time easier to process. Knowing your options and how they directly impact your future once the case is over is beneficial for you. Take your charges seriously and retain an attorney who knows all possible avenues of defense. Attorney Julie Rendelman has over 22 years in New York City’s criminal justice system, both as a prosecutor and a criminal defense attorney. Ms. Rendelman offers free consultations. If you feel that you may be accused of a crime or you are facing criminal charges, then be sure to contact an attorney that will protect your rights immediately. Call 212-951-1232 to set up an appointment. Visit www.RendelmanLaw.com to learn more about Ms. Rendelman’s legal services.
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