Is the Sullivan Act under attack?

gun and weapons crimes

Eight plaintiffs in Buffalo have taken issue with the pistol permit law in New York and are filing a civil lawsuit. According to Edward Garrett and the other plaintiffs in the case, the gun control law stretching all the way back to 1911 is unconstitutional. Those who filed the suit believe that the pistol permit…

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What differentiates a bench trial from a jury trial?


One of the biggest reasons to hire a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible after your arrest is so that you can be adequately prepared for what to expect in court. Believe it or not, real court does not always operate just like television or movies. Do not count on your assumptions of what…

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Controversy Involving the Science of Shaken Baby Syndrome


Recent medical studies in the area of Shaken Baby Syndrome have brought new controversy to numerous criminal cases throughout the United States.  In the past, a majority of medical experts believed that Shaken Baby Syndrome could be ruled as the cause of death in infants based solely on the presence of traumatic brain injury.  However,…

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Embezzlement case making headlines in New York

embezzling money with piggy bank

An embezzlement case that involves the intersection of civil, criminal and rabbinical law is garnering a great deal of attention in New York. The case involves $20 million in embezzled funds and is one of the largest Jewish charity frauds in recent history. Former Aish Hatorah CFO, Jacob Fetman, was discovered to have coordinated unauthorized…

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