What is resisting arrest in New York?
What is resisting arrest in New York?
If you are arrested and accused of a crime, the process can be very frustrating and overwhelming. Your natural instincts may kick in and you may try to avoid being arrested. Any action on your part that makes the arresting officer believe that you are intentionally avoiding being arrested, even if not violently, could cause you to face an additional charge known as resisting arrest.
To the best of your ability, you must try to avoid any additional criminal charges by complying with the officer. You will have the opportunity to discuss the circumstances of your arrest as well as the individual charges when you work with your New York criminal defense attorney. Try to remain calm and act in a non-threatening manner. Keep in mind that besides the possibility of the police adding resisting arrest to your charges, fighting with the police has the potential to be extremely dangerous. It’s not worth the possibility of you being seriously injured.
Unfortunately, there are times when the police step over the line and violate your rights or use more force than necessary. It can be difficult to keep a clear head during this time, but it is also in your best interest to do so. Try to remember the details of your arrest so you can share it with your New York criminal defense attorney. If the officer has violated your rights, then this could be an essential part of your criminal defense. You need to do your best to avoid further charges in the form of resisting arrest, though.
Even if you are found not guilty of the initial criminal charges you were stopped for, a resisting arrest charge can still haunt you. It is not always easy to be calm when being arrested, especially if the officer is crossing boundaries or if the charges are unfounded. However, you need to make a concerted effort to avoid any behavior that indicates to the police that you are resisting arrest. If you are already facing this charge, then speak to your attorney about options. Julie Rendelman is an experienced criminal defense attorney. Over the past 20 years, she has worked both as a prosecutor and defense attorney, which has allowed her to gain a deep understanding of how the court system and criminal justice system work. If you have been arrested for any crime, including resisted arrest, then call 212-951-1232 for a free consultation with Ms. Rendelman. She can review your case and explain your options. To learn about Ms. Rendelman’s specific areas of practice, visit www.RendelmanLaw.com.
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