COVID-19 behind bars in New York

As the COVID-19 outbreak leaves New York City at a standstill, officials must consider another population: those housed behind bars in jails and prisons. Jails are not great environments for containing an outbreak – they are crowded and don’t allow for social distancing, and facilities often take a very minimal approach when it comes to…

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Jury selection over Zoom? Courts adapt to COVID-19 shutdown

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a mass shutdown of businesses, schools and offices – and courtrooms are no exception. Court officials, defense attorneys, plaintiffs and defendants are all adapting to a new norm — and that means limiting in-person hearings, delaying trials and even conducting jury selection over Zoom, as one court in Texas…

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What is Accomplice Liability?

Your buddy said he was just stepping into the store for a minute, perhaps for a candy bar or for a pack of cigarettes. Moments later, he runs out of the store and tells you to drive. Later, you find out your buddy went in and held up the store. Now you’re being arrested and…

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Defending Yourself Against Shoplifting Charges in NYC

False accusations of shoplifting aren’t all that uncommon. Many retailers believe that the overzealous pursuit of shoplifters is good normal business, and that people should be willing to endure false accusations if it means more shoplifters get caught.  Some retailers even pursue monetary damages against shoppers who have not been convicted of any crime. Sadly,…

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What is The Definition of Police Misconduct in NYC?

Sometimes the police can seem like they’re all-powerful and above reproach. But they are governed by rules and laws like anyone else. And if they break those rules or laws, and are caught,  it can have an impact on the strength of the case against you. You may even be entitled to compensation as a…

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New York Becomes The 42nd State To Criminalize “Revenge Porn”

New York has joined forty-one other states in passing legislation that criminalizes what has come to be known as “revenge porn.” As advances in technology continue, the online world has become integrated into our everyday lives, which, in turn, has created an outlet for behavior that previously went unchecked. What has come to be known…

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