Ongoing tax crime scams: the IRS looks into fraud and industry practices
Ongoing tax crime scams: the IRS looks into fraud and industry practices
Each year, the Internal Revenue Service publishes a report laying out the list of ongoing tax scams that are impacting the public at large. In 2015, more taxpayers than ever were subject to tax scams designed to gather personal information or money. These aggressive phone scams often involve an individual claiming to be an IRS official who alleges that the taxpayer owes funds that must be paid immediately.
Beyond phone scams, email is also being used to capture information from taxpayers. The main goal of these email campaigns is to gather as much personal data from the taxpayer as possible and use that information for potential criminal activity.
Since these scams have gained a lot of attention in the media, law enforcement has ramped up investigations to identify the individuals behind these frauds. This means that more individuals are being investigated and arrested for these scams.
Being accused of a crime related to the impersonation of a government official such as the IRS is a serious matter. Therefore, consulting with a New York criminal defense attorney is important for anyone who has been arrested for such a crime. If you have already been accused of this or other related crimes, then do not hesitate to get advice from a lawyer right away. With serious jail time on the line and possible hefty fines, you need an experienced attorney to develop a comprehensive defense strategy as soon as possible. Julie Rendelman is a New York criminal defense attorney with over 22 years of legal experience. Having worked as a prosecutor at the Kings County District Attorney’s Office prior to establishing her own practice, Ms. Rendelman has a unique and important understanding of the criminal justice system. Ms. Rendelman offers free consultations. Call 212-951-1232 to set up an appointment. If you are concerned you may be charged with fraud, then do not wait to seek critical legal advice. Visit to learn more about Ms. Rendelman.
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