Why it is dangerous to follow the advice of friends and family after an arrest
Why it is dangerous to follow the advice of friends and family after an arrest
Many individuals in New York make the mistake of trusting their friends, relatives or colleagues for advice about to how to handle their criminal case. This can be a huge mistake. While some people might claim to be experts on many different types of criminal cases, they likely do not have the education or training necessary to actually tell you what is true about how your case will unfold.
Yet, many of these so-called “experts” will still give you plenty of advice and suggestions about how to move forward. The only individual that you should take advice from after you have been arrested for any crime in the state of New York is your criminal defense attorney. This is because a criminal defense attorney has an ethical responsibility to keep you informed about your case and has the training and the background necessary to properly represent you.
There are simply too many misconceptions out there about how criminal cases proceed through the court system and following someone’s uneducated advice could have significant consequences for your future. Although your loved ones and friends might have good intentions, there is too much on the line for your future to risk making decisions without careful thought and planning. Whether you are being charged with a misdemeanor or felony, you need insight from a lawyer.
The only individual you should trust in the aftermath of being arrested is a criminal defense lawyer. This individual can help you craft a compelling defense strategy, answer your questions as soon as possible after being arrested and talk to you about your options if the case proceeds. Do not trust advice from other individuals who do not have the official training, expertise and objectivity of a knowledgeable New York criminal defense attorney.
Julie Rendelman is a criminal defense lawyer practicing in New York City. She handles federal and New York State criminal cases as well as Desk Appearance Tickets (DAT’s) and arraignments. A former prosecutor, Ms. Rendelman has over 20 years of legal experience and offers free consultations. Call 212-951-1232 to speak with Ms. Rendelman, who can provide candid legal advice and help protect your rights. Visit www.RendelmanLaw.com for more information.
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