NYC Criminal Defense
NYC Criminal Defense
The Law Offices of Julie Rendelman, LLC represents clients who have been arrested, are the target of a criminal investigation or are a potential subject or witness to a law enforcement or legal agency inquiry. Julie recognizes the potential ramifications that any criminal contact can have on a client’s future and understands the need for an aggressive and qualified attorney to protect a client’s liberties. Julie Rendelman has extensive legal experience, both inside and outside the courtroom, that is invaluable to anyone who has been charged with a state crime.
In general, a state crime is any action that violates New York State’s Penal Law. Most crimes are in prosecuted at the state level. Julie Rendelman represents clients on charges ranging from misdemeanors to non violent felonies to violent felonies including:
- Assault
- Driving While Intoxicated, Driving While Impaired, Driving Under the Influence
- Leaving the Scene of an Accident
- Drug Crimes
- Criminal Sale of Controlled Substance
- Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance
- Marijuana Sale and Possession
- Theft and Larceny
- Theft of Service
- Petit Larceny
- Unauthorized Use of a Vehicle
- Identity theft
- Burglary
- Robbery
- Arson
- Sex Crimes
- Rape, Sexual Assault, and Sexual Abuse
- Homicide, murder/manslaughter
- Gun possession
- Domestic violence
- Reckless Endangerment
- Bribery
- Gambling Crimes
- Fraud
- Credit Card Fraud
- Welfare Fraud
- Health care Fraud
- Insurance Fraud
- Mortgage Fraud
- Prostitution
- Bribery
- Money Laundering
- Hate Crimes
- Perjury
- Contempt
- Criminal Conspiracy and Solicitation
People who may have committed a violation may or may not be arrested. After a short waiting period, which may occur while one is in jail, usually less than 24 hours after the arrest, a prosecutor can formally bring charges against an individual at an arraignment. New Yorkers have the right to have an attorney present at the arraignment. The court can appoint an attorney, one can choose to appear without an attorney, or one can select an outside attorney. It is possible to switch from a court-appointed lawyer to an outside or privately paid lawyer if one wishes, after the arraignment. This procedure is especially helpful if one has not had time to consult with and retain a lawyer prior to the arraignment.
During and after an arraignment, there are many decisions to be made, and it is best to speak with a qualified lawyer. In many circumstances, a lawyer may be able to work out a plea bargain A plea bargain is, in essence, a compromise. Usually, someone will plead guilty to a lesser crime, and the prosecutor will recommend a lesser sentence to the judge. If a guilty plea is not entered, then the case may go to trial, either in the form of a bench trial or a trial by a jury. Plea bargains may be negotiated and entered until the very end of a trial. Before and during a trial, a criminal defense lawyer will formulate a defense, collect evidence, hire investigators, hire expert witnesses, and prepare for testimony and examination, or questioning. It is possible that a trial will end in a guilty verdict and, thus, sentencing. That is hardly anyone’s desired outcome. That is precisely why it makes sense to work with an experienced attorney. Julie Rendelman is uniquely qualified to represent those charged with a crime in court. She works to get her cases dismissed, arrange a plea bargain to lessen or eliminate one’s sentence and criminal record and to offer strong representation at trial. Julie has over 22 years of legal experience and worked for many of those years at the Brooklyn District Attorney’s office, which offered her a unique view of the criminal justice system. If you would like to set up a free consultation, call 212-951-1232 today.
- Arson
- Assault
- Bribery
- Burglary in New York City: Understanding Your Charges
- Brooklyn Criminal Lawyer
- Brooklyn Federal Criminal Lawyer
- Computer & Internet Crime
- Understanding Conspiracy and Solicitation Charges in New York
- Criminal Contempt Charges in New York: What You Need to Know
- Criminal Mischief
- NYC Domestic Violence Lawyer
- Driving While Intoxicated, Driving While Impaired, Driving Under the Influence
- Endangering the Welfare of a Child
- Government Investigations
- Hate Crimes
- Kidnapping
- Leaving the Scene of an Accident
- Money Laundering
- NYC Murder Lawyer
- NYC Phishing/Computer Crimes Lawyer
- NYC Doxing Lawyer
- NYC Identity Theft Lawyer
- NYC Swatting Lawyer
- NYC Bribery Lawyer
- Perjury
- Prostitution
- NYC Reckless Driving Lawyer
- NYC Reckless Endangerment Lawyer
- Robbery
- Unauthorized Use of a Vehicle
- White Collar Crimes
- Violation of Order of Protection
New York, NY 10017
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